Dear friends,

We did our best to keep this year’s edition, but, unfortunately, we are forced to postpone the competition until 2022.
Your health and the community’s health are more important at this moment and the increase in the number of the COVID cases forces us to act responsibly!
The participation fees charged by us so far will be reported for any of the events organized by the BikeXpert Racing Team next year. To this effect, please write us at

Be safe and let’s see each other in good health in 2022!

BikeXpert and Văcărești Natural Park Teams


Bucharest MTB Race is a mountain bike competition aiming to support a healthy life-style and to promote Văcărești Natural Park as a place for education and recreation in the middle of a crowded Bucharest. Cycling is an activity allowed and encouraged by the park regulation, the event organizers making sure that the presence of the athletes in the park has a zero impact on species and habitats.

The event comes to meet nature lovers, amateur and professional cyclists eager to test their abilities on two wheels, in a memorable natural place, right in the middle of Bucharest.

Depending on the evolution of the COVID pandemic and on the requests of the authorities, the participation in the event may be conditioned either by the vaccination certificate, either by undertaking a PCR test 48 hours in advance or a rapid on-site test.

Văcărești Natural Park was founded by Government Decision on the 11th of May, 2016. It is the first Romanian natural park situated in the urban space. The park, category V IUCN, came into being particularly for protecting the environment: a unique variety of swamps and wetland-specific vegetation in an urban, highly anthropized space.
Countdown to Start
2021/10/16 10:00:00